Walk or Run on Saturday, October 14th

Join us and be part of our Charity 5K "Nourish With Love" Team at the Eversource Hartford Marathon
The more walkers and runners who fundraise, the more meals we can provide!

Amazing things happen when we come together to help our clients!

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130,000 meals served
& counting… help us get to 200,000!

  • 1500 clients served
  • in over 75 towns
  • with 49,000 volunteer hours!!

Our youth are building momentum with us as we strive to serve the next 70,000 meals at a time when families need it most. We would LOVE to have your help getting there too! The more walkers and runners who fundraise, the more meals we can provide to clients like Travis.

“Thank you to all of the staff and amazing volunteers at Healing Meals.  Having delicious and healthy meals during my recovery from brain surgery and radiation was such a blessing.  Thank you to all that cooked, packed, delivered and sent well wishes.  I am so grateful for the support!” 

Join the Nourish with Love Charity 5K Team

Registration to Walk or Run

This year it’s easy to register and fundraise with Healing Meals Community Project!
We’ll be on hand every step of the way. Here’s how to get started:

Step 1:
Register for the race now – Click this link which will take you to the Eversource Hartford Marathon race options: http://bit.ly/walkorrunwithhmcp

The race registration fee supports the Hartford Marathon Foundation and is not a donation to HMCP. 

Step 2:  You’ll receive an email from Healing Meals Community Project confirming you have been approved along with a link to set up your fundraising page. We ask each walker or runner to contribute or fundraise a minimum of $100 to help us meet our fundraising goal to support our clients.

If you would like help registering, please click this link and Cristy, our Events Manager,  will help you register over the phone. It’s simple! 

Donate & Fundraising

Our fundraising goal is $125,000 and the more we raise, the more meals we provide and the more merchandise you earn.

The swag is back!

To help put the FUN in Fundraising, we’ve got some great incentives for you this year:

  • $100 Healing Meals T-shirt
  • $1000 Healing Meals Sweatshirt
  • $2500+ Recognition Event in October 2023

It can feel AWKWARD to ask for donations so we have a “FUN with Fundraising Team” this year to help you easily raise the bar on your fundraising. 

Scott Sullivan, one of HMCP’s volunteers has raised over $1,270,000 for charities over the last 21 years!  We’re grateful to have him as our first official Charity 5k Fundraising Chairperson!

Scott will be providing tips and scripts to help you post on social media, call a friend or send an email. More to follow on a telethon type event for us to share in the FUNdraising experience together!  



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Race day volunteers help a ton too!

Not interested in walking or running but want to be a part of the race day excitement?  We need you!  As an official charity, we are asked to have 30 volunteers on hand for support.  If you’d like to volunteer to help, we have several options to choose from this year including being on site at the Eversource Hartford Marathon Expo, Kids race, West Hartford marathon checkpoints and runner baggage drop off/pick up in Bushnell Park. Please click here to send us an email that you’d like to volunteer and we’ll get you signed up! 

If you’d like to make a donation directly to Healing Meals,
please click on the Donate Now button below. 

IMPACT: Ever wonder where your fundraising money is going?

  • $100 = 1 week of nutrient-rich meals for a client we serve
  • $250= 1 week of nutrient-rich meals for a client & their family
  • $500= 2 weeks of nutrient-rich meals for a client & their family
  • $1000= Provides 75 nutrient rich meals for a client and their family and provides our youth with wellness education & leadership training
  • $2500= Provides 200 nutrient rich meals for the clients and families we serve, and provides our youth with wellness education & leadership training
  • $5000= Provides 400 nutrient rich meals for the clients and families we serve, 5 clients with The NEW Book, and provides our youth with wellness education & leadership training


Is registration a two-step process?

Yes, first choose which run/walk you want to participate in and click here to register for that race. Once you receive your confirmation from the  Eversource Hartford Marathon, you will receive a link to set up your fundraising page at Healing Meals Community Project.

Does Healing Meals receive a portion of my registration fee?  
We do not.  If you donate an additional sum to Healing Meals when you register, we will receive your donation. 
Can I create my own team under the Healing Meals team?
Yes! When you register using the Healing Meals link you will become part of the Healing Meals team. When filling out the application you have the option to create your own sub-team or join a sub-team. If you have any problems, please email Cristy@healingmealsproject.org
Can I really just raise funds for Healing Meals if I don't want to walk or run a race? 

Yes! Simply register to fundraise only. Every dollar will help our medically fragile clients, plus the donations you raise are eligible for the Healing Meals fundraising incentives (see above).

Can I participate virtually? 

Yes! HMF Events include both virtual and in-person options. Simply register and choose a virtual event. The donations you raise are eligible for the Healing Meals fundraising incentives (see above).

I already registered, can I join your team? 

Yes! Simply email cristy@healingmealsproject.org she will happily work with the Hartford Marathon Foundation to move you to our team roster. 


We would not be able to reach our fundraising goal without the help of our sponsors. If you work for a company who sponsors events or you have a company that would like to sponsor, please click here to let us know! We’ll send you our corporate sponsorship package.

We are very grateful to our current Nourish With Love sponsors!

Have more questions? Please contact : cristy@healingmealsproject.org. We are happy to help!