Spring Allergy Season
With all this warm weather we’re having, it feels like Spring is upon us. Unfortunately, in New England, Spring is synonymous with allergy season.
To give a mini health lesson, the sinuses in our head occupy a very small space. With even a small amount of inflammation, we can feel congested and mucusy.
Fortunately, there are things we can do to help reduce inflammation and support reducing congestion and healthy sinuses.
One way is to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Water is filtering and can help not only reduce inflammation generally in the body, but also support the body’s elimination of waste.
Another way to support reducing inflammation and thereby, less congestion, is to reduce inflammatory food from our daily diet. A great way to do this is to dedicate 1-2 months at the start of allergy season to eating fresh foods like vegetables and fruit and pairing these with small amounts of clean-sourced animal protein like organic poultry, lean grass-fed beef, wild fish, and organic eggs.
Give this diet a couple of months to make some change in your sinuses and hopefully, you will have a season full of fresh air and easier breathing!